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About Me

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Irish Seanfhocal (old word):


An rud nach fiú é a lorg, ní fiú í a fháil.
Translation: What is not worth seeking, is not worth finding

Hello Friends,

I believe that life is a sacred adventure, a pilgrim road where we travel together sharing the gift of precious stories. Won’t you join me on this journey?

My life, like most people’s life is a wild messy place where God is at work. For over twenty years I have spoken throughout the world on the topic of faith, spirituality and ministry integrating lessons from my Celtic roots into my talks, seminars, retreats and writings. In packed conference halls filled with people from all walks of life and religious traditions, to small rooms filled with ordinary-extraordinary people, I have spoken of the power of faith and spirituality in a way that is as accessible and familiar as sharing a lovely cup of coffee or tea on a damp day.

Those who come to my retreats, talks and seminars share their hopes and dreams but also their exhaustion and weariness with life, with their faith and many times with God. At the heart of my life and ministry is a desire to encourage others as fellow pilgrims journeying on the road of life together. The word “encourage” comes from the old French and means to “put heart into” and I strive to infuse my writings, talks and retreats with snippets of spiritual wisdom sprinkled with a dose of Irish hospitality and humor.

I grew up in a picturesque village set in the Wicklow Mountains and have been profoundly influenced by my life in Ireland and the witness of saints such as St. Patrick and St. Brigid. The prayers and traditions of ancient Ireland settled into my bones, carried me through many struggles and strengthened the practice of my Catholic faith.


The ancient Irish, known for their love of threshold places, places at the edge of life such as Sceilig Mhicil off the coast of Co. Kerry, were never afraid to explore God in the known and also the wild barren edges of life. We should not be afraid either. God that was near and dear to saints and sinners of all generations, is the same God who can be near to us as well.


Each one of us has places in our own lives where we feel God’s presence in a way that stirs our soul. Searching for God is an act of abandonment, a wild adventure where we leave the known for the unknown, the comfortable for the uncomfortable, in short, we step outside of our comfort zones. As the Irish wise word or seanfhocal says “what is not worth seeking, is not worth finding”. So join me on this journey as together we dip into this pilgrim space where a great lake of spiritual wisdom awaits.

Beannachtai (Blessings)




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